The Power of SPOKEN words

A lot of people walk around defeated. Defeated in their thinking, knowing and understanding of what to do, who they are and who they have become.

Life is a series of challenges designed to test our tenacity, and willingness to confront and overcome them so that we may be molded into a people suitable to be presented as worthy of the reward that awaits those that are victorious.

I was once a victim of  the question "why me?" and very often slide in and out of it. I never understood why things were not working for me, why I was encountering one challenge after the other and for the most part losing in almost all of the battles. or at least not feeling victorious.

We must recognize that the enemy only fights those that have great potential to do irreparable damage to his miserable kingdom, so he will fight you tooth and nail to prevent you from reaching a full awareness of your self and who you are in Christ. The attack is greatest when you are losing something/someone that was bound by the enemy.

This attacks may come in different forms, it may be in several failed attempts to break out of debt, spiritual warfare (Battle for control of your mind and believe), As an adult, the need to depend on other people for your basic needs for survival which often tampers with your confidence and self-worth/esteem, the notion that your prayers are not heard nor answered hence the delay in God's response to your request, or the feeling of not being good enough, beautiful enough, smart enough or even worthy of God's blessing. 

All these are the devils strategies, tactics and antics to try and pull you down, but I am here to make sure that he doesn't. And together through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will pull down every stronghold (The negative things/situations that have taken root in our lives and have become routine and we cannot seem to break them off or know how to be free

To all of this, I say THE dEVIL IS A LIAR!! (Note that I used a small letter for the 'd')

You are worth it, Your life has not been wasted, whatever challenge you may be facing right now is only temporary no matter how long it may have been, Nothing you have ever done or will ever do will stop God from loving you, You are worth every second that you spend here on earth because your life is relevant, you are not a mistake neither are you a failure.

I am going to challenge you to step out in faith and declare these words over your life, family and circumstances because the power of life and death lies in your tongue. You must take these words very seriously because they are filled with Power to turn your life and situation around for good. 
So, as you SPEAK and DECLARE it over your life, BELIEVE in your heart that it is so and it shall be done in Jesus Name, Amen. (Read Jude 1 vs 5)

Pray a prayer for positive change in your life, for divine intervention and alterations in your life, for God to move supernaturally in your life, that before the year runs out that you will begin to feel and see changes in your life as you prepare to make these declarations. ( Read Jude 1 vs 20).

Speak and declare this words out loudly and boldly from your core:

1. I am not a liability. (Ephesians 1 vs 3)

2. I am not a charity case. ( Philippians 4 vs 19)

3. I am not a source of strive.

4. I am not a source of grieve.

5. My presence does not provoke discomfort or disfavor. ( Galatians 6 vs 17)

6. My voice is not annoying to the ears of others.

7. My aura is not repulsive.

8. I am not a disappointment, neither am I a lost cause.

9. My life is progressive. (Luke 12 vs 22- 26)

10. I will not remain in a place longer than it is required.

11. I have all God says I have. ( Jeremiah 29:11)

12. I can do all God says I can do. (2 Corinthians 12 vs 9)

13. No force or demon in hell can frustrate me out of my destiny and from fulfilling my purpose. (Mathew 16 vs 18)

14. I have clarity of thought and discipline of mind to do all I have been equipped to do and surpass expectation. (proverbs 23 vs 18)

15 I live a life of celebration. (3 John 1 vs 2)

16. I can overcome every challenge or obstacle that may come my way by the grace of God and through the Power of the Holy Spirit. (1 John 5 vs 4 - 5)

17. I live according to the Will of God. (1 John 5 vs 14-15)

18. My life is secure in Christ, therefore the enemy cannot access it. (1 john 5 vs 18)

19. I live to the glory of God, His testimony and the testimony of men. ( 1 John 5 vs 9-10)

20. I will finish my race, I will complete the course that has been placed in front of me, and in the end, I will receive the reward God has in store for me and I will rest in God and be in heaven forever and ever. Amen ( 2 John 1 vs 8)


Prayer point

Now this is the most critical part of this post. The Bible says we should pray for our enemies, as much as this is difficult, it is a fundamental part of the process. Now, you must be sincere for this to be effective. If you feel that you are not in the right mindset to say this prayer, please refrain from doing so and pray for grace to be able to say this prayer honestly and sincerely. ( I had also struggled with this for a while until God gave me the grace and kindness to pray). We must understand that we have to do whatever it takes to receive what we desire from God. 

I would usually set a time frame of 7 days maximum for this prayer and i want to encourage you to do same or as the Spirit of God leads you. Pray a prayer of repentance for any and every evil person that the enemy is using to come after your life, family or destiny. Pray that God should intervene in their lives ( The patience of the Lord is so that the evil one may come into repentance and be saved
 -2 Peter 3 vs 9,15). and bring them to full repentance for His glory.

Because we are children of God, we should live as such, pray this prayer as one that seeks to win souls for the Kingdom of God and on the 7th day as God rested from the creation of the world, rest in the peace of God, knowing that you have committed them into God's hands, and if after these 7 days (or number of days you've set aside) anyone that still chooses to attack, pursue and plan for your downfall, refusing to turn away from evil and the plot of evil against you, may the judgement of God fall heavily on them. (Exodus 22 vs 18).

 I pray that God will give you understanding as you read and prepare to pray.

God bless you!
Yours truly,


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