The challenge to be "Grounded"

It takes some people longer than others to figure out what they are supposed to be doing with their life.

I know I write a lot about knowing who you are and what you were created to be. I believe this is very important as it is the root  for our existence. Once we discover why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing, every thing naturally flows on from there. So do not be overwhelmed by this, It is my hope that someone is blessed by one of my posts.

I am going to dive right in. I know a lot of people struggle with finding out who they truly are and what they are supposed to be doing with their life. So they jump from one thing to the other, leaving trails of unfinished projects, quitting before the business has time to grow, stranded ideas that began as a "great" idea and they end up thoroughly confused and frustrated. Which will often lead them back to repeat the cycle of Fresh start - excited about something new -New idea- Questions and frustration - Tired and frustrated - Depressed - Strong again then (repeat cycle).
How do i know? I found myself in this cycle. It has taken me years, tears and fears to come to where I am right now. I do not assume that I have figured it all out, but I know I am no more going through that cycle.

I remember always writing down the things I wanted to do in my life and somehow I always had "writing, business, music etc" on the list. At the time, I thought it meant that I had to do 'all' of it. So I found myself trying to develop ideas to feed these interests (This was the beginning of the 'cycle'). Over the years, after having a few jobs and still not satisfied with where I was in life. 

So I went back to my list after going through this cycle for years and enduring major setbacks professionally and personally. I was ready to find out exactly what I was supposed to be doing with my life so I desperately turned to God in total surrender. I mean I cut off so many excesses in my life. I even had to let some friends go, It was a drastic turn around time for me. 
I finally realized that I had the "gift of encouragement" God revealed it to me. Finally I could channel all the energy and tools available to me to do this one thing that brings me satisfaction.

My advice is, narrow down your ideas and plans to the ONE thing that speaks to your core! That defines who you are and will give you the greatest satisfaction. You have to be grounded in it to a point that your emotions cannot shake it, fear cannot shake it, disappointments cannot shake it, fear cannot shake it. You have not come this far to give up and be thrown into depression. Eventually, you will be able to hinge your other interests to it.

Regardless of what your religion is our what your believe system constitutes, it cuts across all of this. We must be willing to dig deeper to diffuse the confusion and gain clarity to what we are supposed to be doing. 

So, write down you ideas and desires and on that list you will find something that will point you in the direction of where you ought to be, because God has already deposited what you are supposed to be inside of you. (I started this blog long before I figured out exactly why I was moved to do so, I just knew that I felt the need to write and encourage others). The confusion is the devils trick to delay the manifestation of God divine purpose in our life.

What I am saying is this, if you notice this cycle in your life, or traces of several failed attempts and nothing really works out for all the effort you put in, you struggle through EVERYTHING! and somehow end up not satisfied even though you worked so hard. Take it to God in prayer. Hold on to God and his word and do not let him go.

Do you accept the challenge to be grounded?


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