
Showing posts from 2014

Bring it on!

To say I have been faced with many challenges is an understatement.  Thank God we don't look like what we've been through, otherwise the things we have managed to conceal would be displayed on the frown lines and wrinkles on our face, a sad and dark aura that shows up when we walk into the room or just plain bad attitude or( fill in any negative word here). *Sigh*... that is how i begin this post, with a huge sigh... i'm not sure if it is of relief that most of us have come to the knowledge that some things may never change and we have accepted it or it is the thought of knowing what can possibly go wrong and we are not sure how to deal or handle it.

Alive and active campaign

I am big on gratitude. I make a deliberate conscious effort to stay grateful to God. I thought about people like me who are swarmed with work load, chores, responsibilities etc,  that are living simple but honest lives. Those who seek the greater good, even those who do not yet know how to begin and are trying to find their footing.  This Campaign is my way of acknowledging God's mercy and grace. It is we saying "Thank you for loving us" despite all our wrong doing and lack of gratitude sometimes. This is a simple and fun way to express our gratitude, simply put up your photo with the hashtag #ALIVEANDACTIVE  And take a moment to tell God how grateful you are for the gift of Live and another day to try again. See mine after the jump :)

30 books you should read before you turn 30!

I'm all about gaining new knowledge and living the best life I can possibly live. With this quest in mind, I do a lot of reading (often online)  and asking questions. I stumbled on this interesting article that contains a list of books to read before turning 30. Ha!, too late for most people but there are not hard and fast rules, so please  for those of us that are above thirty, you can still read it... *wink* make up for lost time. So far I've read just one out of the list... I know, 29 more to go; but I will do my best to read them all. Most of these books can be found as e-books online. So go ahead and search them out.  Below are a list of over 30 books of unparalleled prose, packed with wisdom capable of igniting a new understanding of the world. Everyone should read these books before their 30th birthday. Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse – A powerful story about the importance of life experiences as they relate to approaching an understanding of reality an...


Speak life into your situation. There is power in your words. Believe that God is always there to guide and protect us.

Before IT WAS, Now IT IS: Dealing with sudden unexpected changes in life.

WAKE UP! WAKE UP!! WAKE UP!!! I often have to scream this in my head when I find myself sulking and refusing to deal with the realities life presents, or when i'm just stuck in the ' Lord why me?' choke-hold expecting an immediate, audible response from God, that sometimes we don't hear, maybe because we did not listen or the words are drowned from the constant noise of our ever energetic thoughts. In my short time on earth, I've had my fair share of troubles, struggles, losses, regrets, you name it. And through all this, one things has been a constant; somehow I always make it through. It may take a while, a few tears and prayers, the silent head vs heart tug of war, but God always pulls me through. Through all of this, I have only become stronger and wiser. Before I discovered that I enjoyed writing, I always struggled with trying to figure out who I was and what my purpose was on earth. It haunted me day and night, it felt like a plague, a disease, som...


The day began like every other, with a slow ease into the responsibilities that accompanies each day; from personal routine to my desk facing my laptop. As usual, I began with checking my mails and easing into the office task that lies ahead; a pattern I have gotten all too used to over time. While taking my break, I decide to include a photo on my blog profile so I took a photo of myself; like I usually do, I took a couple of them so I could choose the best one … you know, right angle, good lighting etc (women, we all do this). Anyways, so I finally narrow down to one and I upload it in my blog profile. I do this almost unconsciously as I kept looking at the photo still open on my Laptop, I caught myself starring  at it blankly, like in a trance; my thoughts must have gotten the best of me, because I began to have flashbacks. You know the glossy screen images of your life filled with subtle smiles and some element of wonder.


I thought of writing about something brilliant, something very convincing; a topic that will address a multitude of concerns and unanswered questions... Nothing came to mind, not that there aren't obvious struggles like financial issues, self confidence, loving who you are and how God created you etc. All these are very deep issues that is worth writing about. But then I realized that 'gratefulness' did not top that list; this really opened my eyes to see how easily we can forget to show gratitude, it cost us nothing... we just don't remember often enough to just say 'Thank you Lord for all that you have given me'. Trust me, I was a chronic whiner once upon a time... all i could see were the things i did not have, praying a one directional prayer of, ' I want.... I need... Give me... We do this things most time unconsciously, or as I like to say it; we let our selfish side take the drivers seat.


You are FREE You are BEAUTIFUL You are UNIQUE You are ENOUGH  Be You! Learn PATIENCE wait in quiet solitude while working continuously to achieve your dreams Listen patiently and respond rationally