
Showing posts from September, 2016

The challenge to be "Grounded"

It takes some people longer than others to figure out what they are supposed to be doing with their life. I know I write a lot about knowing who you are and what you were created to be. I believe this is very important as it is the root  for our existence. Once we discover why we are here and what we are supposed to be doing, every thing naturally flows on from there. So do not be overwhelmed by this, It is my hope that someone is blessed by one of my posts. I am going to dive right in. I know a lot of people struggle with finding out who they truly are and what they are supposed to be doing with their life. So they jump from one thing to the other, leaving trails of unfinished projects, quitting before the business has time to grow, stranded ideas that began as a "great" idea and they end up thoroughly confused and frustrated. Which will often lead them back to repeat the cycle of Fresh start - excited about something new -New idea- Questions and frustration - T...

Destiny steps

Where you are now is where you're supposed to be.  As strange as that may sound depending on what you may be going through right now, It is true. You may ask how I know and why I am so sure. I have read the stories of so many people and I have experienced it for my self that every thing happens for a reason.  We may call it mistakes or bad luck, but I call it destiny steps. I have noticed that everything that has ever happened in my life has brought me to this moment. Sometimes it may not feel like it or look like it, but there is a single thread in everything we experience, some may be self inflicted as the case may be, others may be circumstantial. In all, there is a purpose behind every pain. So before you go on a rampage on how life is unfair to you and wonder why this may be happening to you or that happened in your family, remember that there are other people out there going through similar or worse situations, turn on the news channel and you wil...

The fear of Uncertainty

Life doesn't always give us what we want. In most cases, it takes us in the opposite direction of where we are trying to go.  The question is, what do you do when you're on a path you did not ask for and was not ready to tread?. The thing with sudden and unexpected changes is, no body really wants to leave their comfort zone (even though we know that's where great things happen). We just don't want to stay out in an unfamiliar space for too long, and in the worst case, be dealing with an unfamiliar situation, in a particularly tough and  under unfamiliar circumstances.  I call it, "The fear of uncertainty". NOT knowing what is going to happen next is a daunting place to be, especially if you like to KNOW  ahead of time and you are someone who likes to plan and be prepared for things so you know what moves you need to make to avoid unpleasant situations.  See, life is funny because nobody really knows what is going to happen next, we all live wi...