Thy Will be done

"Thy Will be done ", These words have become so real to me. For the first 20+ years of my life, I never really gave my life any serious thought ( the irresponsibility of ignorance), I lived with such careless abandon, stumbled through bad decisions and failed attempts at figuring out what my life was all about, I walked through days unsure of what I was going to do with my life most of the time. I sensed that I had something of value, however I was unsure of what it was and how to access it. I remember crying profusely wondering why things were not lining up for me the way I "thought" they should. I was alive but was not living. I fell into the routine of life as expected - go to school, get a degree, get a job, settle down, grow old, die. But somewhere in this lineup I knew there were some items missing ,which was "become who God created you to be","impact lives", "be great".