The Purpose Driven Life

Who ever trusts in his riches will fail, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf. - Proverbs 11vs 28 We were made for God, God was not made for us. Go back to your creator, find the purpose for which you were created. God is not just the starting point in our life, He is the source of it. You may choose your career, your spouse, your hobbies and many other parts of your life, but you don't get to choose your purpose. Without God, Life makes no sense. When you (begin your walk) are with God, it will leave many people confused and often very critical of your decision and actions; even fellow Christians may have an Opinion on how you should or shouldn't go about it. The thing is, it is between you and God. Nobody else will quite understand why you're doing what you do, because to everyone, his/her journey is uniquely tied up to their purpose on earth. Some discover it early and in an orderly manner, others stumble upon it right in the middle of a chao...